VE - Lesson 10

Cards (14)

  • dream-sharer. Meaning, with his success, he is now tasked to inspire others to chase their dreams, or more than this, to assist molt others, whether materially or emotionally, build for their future.
  • Edward Thorndike, an American psychologist who conceptualized the three laws of learning, one of which is the Law of Exercise, explained that the frequency in doing an action builds up the confidence of the doer to complete the task error-free.
  • The Filipino families put high premium on education. They look at it as a saving factor that will extricate them from their present situation.
  • Education is an opportunity that Filipino people are offered.
  • Perseverance is the steadfastness required to do something and to keep on doing it til the end, even if it is difficult.
  • Perseverance originates from the Latin words per and severus: per means "very" and severus,
    "strict." It then, requires that a person must be 'very strict with himself to see things through until the end in spite of uncertainty, hindrance, anxiety, and opposition.
  • DETERMINATION: It is a person's firmness in his purpose, a mindset or a firm decision to achieve something, and he is ready to do anything in his power unit he reaches it
  • In physical science, resilience is the ability of matter to go back to its original form affer being streiched, bent, or compressed. In life, it means "bouncing back" from difficult experiences.
  • PERSISTENCE: is continuing to work toward a goal even when it takes a long time or when the going gets tough.
  • persistence is a mans staying quality
  • In life, the eventual realization of one's goal usually comes down to one factor: perseverance.
  • One big barrier in developing a preservering spirit is a low self confidence
  • opportunities are chances for personal growth. They are changes to size up your cooperation to grow as a person
  • Consider the following AElOU guide to have a persevering spirit that will surely strengthen your resolve to keep moving forward: Ascertain targets, Eliminate self doubt, Invest in good qualities, Optimize opportunities, and Unlock possibilities