Technological advances that helped the age of exploration included the compass, astrolabe, better maps, cannons, new ships, and the navigator “The Navigator” - Prince Henry.
Subsidies are when the government poses too much of one resource and needs to get rid of it, they give people money to start businesses to use the leftover resources.
Define the balance of trade: Get money- mine gold and silver , or get a country with gold and silver, plus sell goods and trade
Why did countries want colonies?: The gain territory, money, and resources
What was the purpose of tariffs: Taxes on imported goods was to insure that ppl bought goods from inside the country
Why did Portugal have colonies?: The grain money, resources, territory, and mb even spread religion
List the technological advances that helped the age of exploration:
Compass, astrolabe, better maps, cannons, new ship,
Who were the Leaders of the age of exploration?:
Portugal and Spain
Define subsidies : When the gov poses to much of one resource and they need to get rid of it - they give people money to start businesses to use the leftover resources
Define mercantilism : A country should do all it can to increases its wealth
What was Prince Henry's contribution to the age of exploration?: ‘Thenavigator” - trying to get to india and wants gold
What was Vasco dagmas contribution to the age of exploration?: He reaches India
Where did Columbus think he landed?: India but he reached the bahamas