Training Principles

Cards (38)

  • frequency is how often you train, usually over a weekly basis
  • resistance training intensity is determined by working to a percentage of 1 rep max
  • progressive overload is the idea that the body must be subjected to greater stresses applied in progressive manner
  • specificity is the concept of mimicking efforts required in sport to reach max outcomes
  • reversibility is the concept that you will lose improvements if you stop training for a period of time
  • detraining is the process that occurs when someone stops training
  • diminishing returns is when an athlete reaches a point where progress/results level out and improvements are harder to make
  • individual differences is the concept that all humans are unique and respond differently to training
  • periodization is a training plan seperated into periods to allow for rest and maximize performance at peak times
  • flexibility training increases ROM in joints to enhance performance and reduce risk injury
  • core training involves training back and abdominal muscles starting with stability then strength then power
  • cardiorespiratory training or endurance training maximizes oxygen use and has 3 stages
  • the 3 phases of cardiorespiratory training are base, interval and then sport specific
  • resistance training is when a weight or other force provides resistance against working muscles which build strength by progressive overload
  • circuit training is 4+ exercises performed for a specific number of reps before moving to next
  • stage training is 4+ exercises each performed for full amount of sets before switching to next
  • plyometrics training involves explosive drills using body weight as overload
  • speed/agility training develops strength, power, motor learning and control
  • balance training ranges from basic stabilization exercises to dynamic strength exercises to power exercises
  • yoga is a type of resistance training using only one’s body weight
  • pilates involves moving body fluidly from one body position to next, incorporating breat
  • radiation is the emission of radiant heat from body to cooler environment
  • conduction is transfer of heat through solid, liquid or gas
  • convection is air movement around skin
  • evaporation is removal of sweat from surface of skin
  • health-related fitness is focused on a healthy body state
  • performance-related fitness is necessary for higher level sport or work performance
  • speed & reaction testing measures all-out linear speed
  • power & strength testing measures explosiveness
  • agility & coordination testing measures change of direction
  • flexibility testing meausres ROM in joints
  • endurance testing measures how well body uses oxygen
  • body composition testing measures body fat & tissue distribution
  • the first A for health training is ask
  • second A for health training is assess
  • third A for health training is advise
  • fourth A for health training is agree
  • fifth A for health training is assist