Christianity 1st page

Cards (33)

  • acclamation?
    praising with great enthusiasm
  • alleluia?
    meaning praise god it is the easter proclamation (the announcement of the resurrection) and is used before the reading of the gospel at mass
  • alpha and omega?
    a symbol made from the first and last letters of the greek alphabet which show that god and Jesus are eternal- the beginning and end of all things
  • angel?
    a spiritual being believed to act as a messenger of god
  • annunciation?
    then the angel Gabriel asked mary to accept the role of the mother of the son of god
  • apostles?
    one who is sent out; the name given to those disciples who became leaders of the early church
  • apsotolic?
    based on what the apostles taught
  • apostolic authority?
    the authority of the apostles as leaders of the early catholic church that is passed on to the bishops
  • apostolic exhortation?
    a letter or document from the Pope encouraging Catholics in their religion
  • Aramaic?
    the language Jesus spoke
  • ascension?
    the event 40 days after the resurrection when Jesus returned to god the father in heaven
  • atone?
    make amends for something that has gone wrong
  • atonement?
    restoring the relationship between people and god through the life death and resurrection of Jesus
  • baptism?
    the sacrament in which a person becomes a child of God and a Christian
  • benediction?
    meaning blessed; a service at which the blessed sacrament is exposed and Catholics worship christ in the sacraments
  • beneficent?
    benevolent, all loving, all good; a quality of god
  • bible?
    the sacred book of Christianity containing the new and old testament
  • bishops?
    high-ranking clergymen who have the power to confirm and ordain
  • blessed sacrament?
    a term that refers to the consecrated bread and wine
  • bowing?
    bending from the waist as a sign of respect
  • catholic?
    a term used to describe something that is worldwide and all-inclusive referring to the roman catholic church
  • charity?
    providing help and love to those in need / an organisation that does not make a profit and whose main purpose is to help those in need/ another term for love
  • chi-rho?
    a symbol to represent Jesus, made up of the first two letters of his name in greek
  • church?
    the holy people of god also called the body of christ among whom Christ is present and active/ a building in which Christians worship
  • commendation of the dying?
    the prayers that are said when a person is on the point of death
  • communion?
    sharing together/ sharing in a meal that unites people with each other and with christ
  • conciliar?
    when the authority of the magisterium is expressed through the pope in a council
  • conscience?
    for Christians the voice of god in the heart and soul of a person
  • consecration?
    the point in the mass where the bread and wine are blessed
  • consubstancial?
    literally ,of one being' showing that the father, son, and spirit are not separate entries but one god
  • contemporary worship songs?
    religious songs that have been written recently for the praise if god, often including modern instruments
  • cosmic reconciliation?
    the time when all things in creation will be brought together in harmony
  • council?
    a gathering of bishops to make decisions about important issues for the church