c4: motivation + affect

Cards (44)

  • Motivation is a Process that leads people to behave as they do
  • the Motivational Process Occurs when a need is aroused that the consumer wishes to satisfy
  • motivation process: ideal/present state → discrepancytensiondrive (to satisfy the need) → wants (different paths to satisfy the need)
  • motivational strength is the willingness to spend extra energy to reach a goal
  • drive theory says that biological needs that produce unpleasent states of arousal (ie. hunger)
  • under drive theory, homeostasis means a balanced state
  • under drive theory, 'drive' refers to the extent of tension or arousal
  • expectancy theory states that behavior is pulled by expectations of achieving desirable outcomes
  • a need is A discrepancy between an actual and a desired state
  • a Want is The particular form of consumption used to satisfy a need (manifestation of consumer need)
  • when satisfying conumer needs it depends on the individual’s history, learning experiences and their cultural environment
  • Biogenic needs are Biological needs like air, water or food
  • Psychogenic need is the Need for status, power and affiliation
  • Utilitarian Need is the need for tangible attributes of a product, like miles/gallon in a car or calories in a burger
  • Hedonic Needs are the need for excitement, self-confidence and fantasy
  • Motivational Conflict-Approach-Approach has 2 desirable alternatives and involves Cognitive dissonance
  • motivational conflict-Approach-Avoidance: the Positive and negative aspects of a desired product. Guilt of desire occurs
  • motivational conflict-Avoidance-Avoidance: Facing a choice with 2 undesirable alternatives
  • consumer's Need for achievement states that consumers Value personal accomplishment. marketers place a premium on products that signify success to appeal to this. for example, using gold and sleek branding on a product.
  • consumer's need affiliation is the Need for relevant products and services to alleviate loneliness. for example, purchasing a macewan hoodie because that's the school you attend
  • a consumer's need for uniqueness is the need to assert their individual identity. for example, the ability to customize a product before your purchase it
  • a consumer's need for power is the need to control one’s environment. marketers focus on products that have mastery over surroundings. for example, powerade's ad
  • Goals can be unconsciously activated. for example, 'Apple' activates the need to be unique and different
  • Inertia means Consumption at the low end of involvement; We make decisions out of habit or due to a lack of motivation
  • being in a flow state is being truly involved with a product, including feelings like:
    • Playfulness
    • Being in control
    • Concentration/focused attention
    • Mental enjoyment of activity for its own sake
    • Distorted sense of time
    • Match between challenge at hand and one’s skills
  • Product involvement refers to the Consumer’s level of interest in a certain product. Many sales promotions attempt to increase this
  • Mass customization refers to Customizable products/services for customers at a mass production price
  • Guerrilla Marketing is when Marketers use low-cost and unconventional marketing tactics to gain consumers’ attention and involvement. this is an example of message-response involvement.
  • Guerrilla Marketing consists of real-time marketing by requring marketers to know events that Consumer’s are currently interested in.
  • in Guerrilla Marketing, Marketers must experiment with new ways to increase consumers’ involvement. for example, incorporating games onto Websites (Integrative Mobile Marketing)
  • purchase situation involvement is the differences that occur when buying the same object/good but for different contexts or scenarios. for Example, when buying a wedding gift For your boss, you choose a more expensive option to impress your boss or buying a cheap wedding gift For the cousin you don’t like to show you’re indifferent.
  • marketers can use these strategies to motivate consumers to process relevant info:
    • Appeal to consumers’ hedonic needs
    • Use novel stimuli
    • Use prominent stimuli
    • Include celebrity endorsers
    • Building and maintaining relationships with consumers
  • involvement is how much time, effort, and thought a consumer puts into choosing a product/service and how much fun they have doing it. involvement is an internal feeling making people think and explain their choice. External sources and agencies can encourage customer involvement.
  • Affect Refers to the experiences of emotionally-oppressive states, ranging from evaluations, to moods, to full-blown emotions
  • Evaluations are valenced (ie. positive or negative) reactions to events and objects, not accompanied by high levels of arousal
  • Moods involve temporary positive or negative affective states with a moderate level of arousal
  • Emotions are often triggered by a specific event and typically are more intense
  • Happiness is A mental state of well-being characterized by positive emotions. for example, Materialism and happiness, Spending money on others vs. the self
  • Envy is A negative emotion associated with the desire to reduce the gap between one and someone else who is superior
  • Benign envy is when individuals believe that superior others deserve their 'status'