W3 ANS 1 Drugs

Cards (45)

  • Visine and tysine are the brand names for tetrahydrozoline
  • Tetrahydrozoline is an alpha-adrenergic agonist that is used as a visual and nasal decongestant (Visine, Tysine)
  • Levophed is a alpha-adrenergic agonist that is used to treat hypotension (norepinephrine)
  • Levophed is the brand name for norepinephrine
  • Otrivin is an alpha-adrenergic agonist that is used as a nasal decongestant (Xylometazoline)
  • Otrivin is the brand name for xylometazoline
  • Proamatine is an alpha-adrenergic agonist that is used to treat hypotension (midodrine)
  • Proamatine is the brand name of midodrine
  • Sudafed is a alpha-adrenergic agonist that is used as a nasal decongestant (pseudophedrine)pseudoephedrine
  • Pseudoephedrine is the generic name of sudafed
  • Phenylephrine is a alpha-adrenergic agonist that is used as a nasal decongestant (xylometazoline)
  • Serevent is a selective beta-agonist that is used as a bronchodilator (salmeterol)
  • Ventolin is a selective beta-agonist that is used as a bronchodilator (salbutamol)
  • Salbutamol is the generic name for ventolin
  • Breathine is a selective beta-agonist that is used as a bronchodilator (terbutaline)
  • Breathine is the brand name of terbutaline
  • Epinephrine is a non-selective beta-agonist that is used as a cardiac stimulant and bronchodilator and vasopressor
  • Adrenaline is the brand name of epinephrine
  • Isuprel is a non-selective beta-agonist that is used as a cardiac stimulant and bronchodilator
  • Isoproterenol is the generic name for isuprel
  • Flomax is an alpha-antagonist that is used to treat bph (tamsulosin)
  • Tamsulosin is the generic name for flomax
  • Hytrin is an alpha-antagonist that is used to treat htn and bph (terazosin)
  • Hytrin is the brand name for terazosin
  • Rapaflo is an alpha-antagonist that is used to treat BPH (silodosin)
  • Silodosin is the generic name for rapaflo
  • Minipress is an alpha antagonist that is used to treat htn (prazosin)
  • Prazosin is the generic name of minipress
  • Cardura is an alpha antagonist that is used to treat htn and bph (doxazosin)
  • Doxazosin is the generic name for Cardura.
  • Carvedilol is a non selective beta antagonist that is used for HTN and CHF
  • Propanolol is a non selective beta antagonist that is used for HTN, angina, and arrhythmias
  • Propanol is the generic name for inderal
  • Corgard is a non selective beta antagonist that is used for HTN and angina
  • Nadolol is the generic name for corgard
  • Timolol is the generic name for blocadren and timoptic
  • Blocadren and timoptic are the same non selective beta antagonist that is used for HTN and glaucoma
  • Atenolol is the generic name for tenormin
  • Tenormin is a selective beta antagonist that is used for HTN and angina
  • Bisoprolol is a selective beta antagonist that is used for HTN