what does the S in the benefits of sleep stand for?
safety: sleep protects from danger from predators
what does the H stand for in the benefits for sleep?
healthy brain - REM sleep resets the brain, memories consolidated, protects established memories, decision making, creative connections and removes toxins.
what does the E stand for in the benefits of sleep?
emotional stability - reduces cortisol levels, a hormone related to stress
what does the P stand for in the benefits of sleep?
physical repair - slow wave sleep helps heal calls especially those in the cardiovascular system and helps maintain hormone balance as well as increasing immune activity.
what are the 5 stages of sleep?
stage 1, stage 2, stage 3, stage 4, REM
brain activity in stage 1 of sleep: slowing and synchronized. alpha waves becoming theta waves.
brain activity in stage 2 of sleep: theta waves dominate but are interrupted by brief bursts of activity known as sleepspindles.
sleep spindles - brief bursts of activity whilst asleep
brain activity in stage 3 of sleep: delta waves as its in slow wave sleep.
brain activity in stage 4 of sleep: deepest level of sleep. consists of low frequency, high amplitude fluctuations. brain cements information into memory
brain activity in stage 5 (REM) : thalamus is active, sending cortex images, sounds and other sensations filling dreams.dynamic brain. theta waves.
physical features of stage 1 - drowsy, easy to wake, people may not realise that they were asleep. muscle spasms followed by sensation of falling
physical features of stage 2 - body goes into a deep state of relaxation, drop of body temp, slow breathing and heart rate
physical features of stage 3 sleep - muscle tone, pulse and breathing rate decrease, may have some body movements but hard to wake up
physical features of stage 4 - voluntary muscles become immobilised, slow wave sleep.
physical features of stage 5 (REM) sleep - dreams occur as eyes move behind the eyelids, desynchronized brain activity.
percentage of time spent in stage 1 = 10%
percentage of time spent in stage 2 = 50%
percentage of time in stage 3 = 10%
percentage of time in stage 4 = 10%
percentage of time in stage REM - 20%
sleep disorders - behaviour which affects normal sleep patterns