multi-store model of memory

    Cards (23)

    • strength
      -free recall experiment supports concept of MSM
      -indicating words entered LTM after being rehearsed
      -last word in STM as new in memory
    • label
      A) recall
      B) primacy
      C) recency
    • immediate digit span test (capacity of STM) & trigram study (duration of STM) also support MSM
    • free recall experiments = lab experiment ( weakness )

      -very artificial
      -not reflective of how we use memory in real life
      -lacks ecological validity
      -can't be generalised to real life
    • free recall experiment = lab experiment (strengths)

      -high control of extraneous variables
      -cause & effect inferred
      -studies provide valid support for MSM
    • primacy effect

      -had time to rehearse the words
      -enter LTM
    • recency effect

      -Ps tend to recall last item on list
      -STM , no displacement
    • asymptote
      -middle position remembered poorly
      -increasing number of items fill STM, displaced before reaching LTM
    • long term memory 

      -may last permanently
      -leaves STM to long term through rehearsal
    • short term memory 

      receives info from sensory register by paying attention
    • who was the MSM created by?
      Atkinson & Atkinson
    • sensory register

      -info from 5 senses detected by sensory neurones
      -also info in STM & LTM gathered here
      -info passed to STM by paying attention
    • sensory register coding 

      -vision = iconic
      -sound = echoic
      -smell = olfactory
      -touch = haptic
      -taste = gustatory
    • sensory register capacity
      -very large
      -all sense impressions in one moment
      -only things paid attention to move on to STM
    • sensory register duration

      -very short
      -as low as 250 milliseconds
    • linear model 

      information shown to flow through system in one direction
    • passive stores
      stores hold onto info before being passed onto next
    • case studies of brain damaged patients

      HM & KF
      -suggest MSM too simple
    • HM features
      -STM normal
      -no LTM
      -couldn't learn new facts / events
      -could learn new skills
    • what does HM being able to learn skills show?

      there's more than one type of LTM
    • KF features
      -LTM normal
      -STM damaged (digit span of only 2)
    • how does KF's brain criticise MSM?
      -model doesn't explain how info is passed to LTM without being affected by impaired STM
    • label
      A) sensory register
      B) short term memory
      C) long term memory
      D) attention
      E) rehearsal
      F) maintenance
      G) retrieval
      H) info lost
      I) info lost
      J) info lost
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