Active audience theory suggests that media audiences engage with or interact with media products by contributing, participating or creating their own meanings.
Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) is a self-regulatory body set up by the advertising industry, covering press releases, broadcast, film, and internet advertising as well as posters and leaflets.
Agenda setting theory suggests that the media have a powerful and influential role in telling politicians and the public what they should be thinking about.
Bias is a prejudice for or against a particular idea, place, group or individual, and can be demonstrated by tone or style, but also by selection or omission.
Code is a communication system which includes signs, rules and shared understanding, examples include the English language, non-verbal codes, print codes and editing codes.
Cold opening is a short scene occurring before the opening credits or title sequence, which hooks the viewer by plunging straight into the story, also known as a cold open or teaser sequence.
Colour palette is the suite of colours that are used in the creation of media texts, such as websites and magazines, to reflect a brand and appeal to its audience.
PEGI is an organisation that judges what the age ratings should be for games and produces guidance for consumers (mainly aimed at parents) so that they can decide if a game is suitable.
Skyline is a line of text, with or without a coloured strip background, that runs across the top edge of a magazine page, poster or other printed product, containing important information to appeal to the audience.