article 5 eval

Cards (15)

  • pro - limited right - can be derrogated from in certain situations
  • pro - state has to safeguard against arbitrary detention
  • pro - restrictions are listed in detail to avoid any confusion and limit states power
  • pro- rules to prevent arbitary use of police power
  • pro - case of a and others - identifying the unlafulness surrounding detaining with no charge
  • pro - beneficial ecthr precedent - gillian + quinton v uk random stop and search is unlawful - guzzardi v italy deprivation depends on intensity - these responses have developed the law
  • con - extended rights of s44 terrorism act - should be stricter
  • con - use of kettling is not listed as an exception within the act so shouldn't be used
  • con - indeterminate sentences are deemed arbitary
  • con - independance of parole baord is questioned as they are appointed by the state
  • con - subjectivity around certain terms - promptly
  • pro - no article takes priority over others - article 8 and 10
  • con - margin of apprectiation - human rights differ by country - different ways to interpret the law - state by state
  • con - criminals can stay but immigrants cant - nasri v france
  • s +marper v uk - lengthly process to remove dna - even though violation