The use of exclamation marks on the Tattler front cover helps to add drama and excitement, suggesting that the magazine will have lots of exciting stories inside.
The top left of the Tattler front cover also includes an article cover line about British politics and Westminster, suggesting that the magazine includes serious political issues.
The mention of Coronavirus sets the societal context for the magazine, engaging audiences because they might be able to identify with things on the front cover.
Tatler magazine suggests that titles and class are important to their readers through the use of images of countryside gardens and the mention of Longleat, a posh house within England.
The phrase "How the social set get married in a crisis" is an enigma code, teasing the audience to actually read the magazine to find out what these people are doing to find love during the pandemic.
Emma Weymouth is wearing blingy jewelry on the Tattler front cover, suggesting that she is rich and high class, making her seem like an aspirational role model for a lot of readers.
Emma Weymouth is described as the new Marchioness of Bath on the Tattler front cover, with her title given a large font across the middle of the magazine, taking up a large portion.