Phobic may hold irrational beliefs in relation to the phobic stimuli and this kind of belief increases the pressure on the sufferer to perform well in social situations
Selective attention to the phobic stimulus (Cognitive characteristic)
When sufferer sees the phobic stimulus, it is hard to look away from it. Keeping attention is good as it can help to react quickly to a threat yet is bad when the fear is irrational
Phobia of spiders. Person's anxiety increases when entered any place associated with spiders. But when the person actually sees a spider, a very strong emotional response is directed particularly towards the spider
Phobias are classed as anxiety disorders as they create an emotional response of fear and anxiety. Anxiety is an unpleasant state of high arousal. Anxiety can be long term and prevents sufferer from relaxing and experiencing positive emotions
Phobic person may panic in response of the phobic stimulus like crying, screaming, running away. Children react differently and may respond by freezing or having a tantrum