
Cards (39)

  • A loop is a construct that controls the repeated execution of a block statements.
  • While Loop - A while loop executes statements repeatedly as long as a condition remains true.
  • The while loop is a condition-controlled loop; it is controlled by a true/false condition.
  • The for loop is a count-controlled loop that repeats a specified number of times.
  • For Loop - A python for loop iterates through each value in a sequence.
    • Nested Loops A loop can be nested inside another loop.
  • Nested loops consist of an outer loop and one or more inner loops.
  • Each time the outer loop is repeated, the inner loops are started a new.
  • A FUNCTION is a block of code which only runs when it is called.
  • A function is a block of code which only runs when it is called.
  • Functions can be used to define reusable code and organize and simplify code.
  • You can pass data, known as parameters, into a function.
  • Defining a Function - A function definition consists of the function’s name, parameters, and body.
  • The variables in the function header are known as formal parameters or simply parameters. A parameter is like a placeholder.
  • If a function returns a value, it is called a value-returning function.
    • Calling a Function Calling a function executes the code in the function.
    • Functions with/without Return values.A function does not have to return a value.
  • The program defines a function named printGrade and invokes it to print the grade for a given score.
  • The printGrade function does not return any value, and it must be invoked as a statement.
  • We call the new function that returns the grade, getGrade.
  • The getGrade function returns a character, and it can be invoked and used just like a character.
  • Defining Classes for Objects A class defines the properties and behaviors for objects.
  • Object-oriented programming (OOP) involves the use of objects to create programs.
  • When working with objects, variables are called attributes and functions are called methods.
  • Python uses methods to define an object’s behavior (also known as its actions.)
  • Python ClassesA class is considered a blueprint of objects.
    • Python ObjectsAn object is called an instance of a class. The syntax to create an object.
  • Access Class Attributes Using Objects- We use the . notation to access the attributes of a class.
    • You can access the object’s data fields and invoke its methods by using the dot operator (.), also known as the object member access operator.
  • Python Methods - we can also define a function inside a Python class.
  • An initializer can perform any action, but initializers are designed to perform initializing actions, such as creating an object’s data fields with initial values.
    • Constructing Objects all methods, including the initializer, have the first parameter self.
  • Python Constructors - __init__() is the constructor function that is called whenever a new object of that class is instantiated.
  • __init__()  This method, is known as an initializer.
  • The self-parameter in the __init__ method is automatically set to reference the object that was just created.
  • The first parameter for each method defined is self.       
  • The self-Parameter - self is a parameter that references the object itself.
  • Using self, you can access object’s members in a class definition.
  • A Python function defined inside a class is called a method.