The Protestant Revolution

Cards (5)

  • Martin Luther
    The most influential leader of the Protestant Reformation, the author of the 95 theses. Didn't believe in the current practices of the Catholic Church, and fought against their shady/questionable behavior despite being incredibly religious himself.
  • Protestant Reformation
    A sort of revolution or revolt against the Catholic Church that fought back against corruption
  • Indulgences
    Paying for the reduction of punishment for one's since; provided by the catholic church
  • 95 Theses
    A list of arguments against the lies and corruption that infested the Catholic Church written by Martin Luther
  • Printing Press
    An essential part of the Protestant Revolution, as it allowed for news to be spread quickly and reproduced, preventing press control, as well as allowed for the Bible to be mass produced. Also led to an increase in the literacy rates of the middle class.