The asocial stage. The baby's behaviour towards people and objects is quite similar. They have some preference for familiar people. They are happier in the presence of people.
When does the asocial stage occur?
In the first few weeks.
What is Stage 2 of attachment?
Indiscriminate attachment. The baby displays more observable social behaviour. They now show a clear preference for people rather than objects. They recognise and prefer familiar people. They do not usually show separation or stranger anxiety.
When does the indiscriminate attachment stage occur?
From 2 to 7 months.
What is Stage 3 of attachment?
Specific attachment. The baby shows specific attachment to the primary attachment figure (65% mother). Displays separation and stranger anxiety.
When does the specific attachment stage occur?
Around 7 months.
What is Stage 4 of attachment?
Multiple attachments. Secondary attachments with other adults. Schaffer and Emerson found that 29% of the children they observed formed secondary attachments within a month of forming a primary attachment.