The role of the father

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  • Can fathers form attachments with babies?
    Yes, but fathers are much less likely to become babies' first attachment figure compared to the mother.

    • In S&E's study, in only 3% of cases the father was the first sole object of attachment, and 27% of cases the father was the joint first.
    • However, by 18 months 75% of the babies studied formed an attachment with their father.
  • Is the role that fathers play in development 'distinct' and important?
    Grossman et al - father-child attachments different to mother-child attachments.
    • Crucial in cognitive development.
    • Play from fathers no less important than the emotional nurturing from mothers
  • Can fathers ever be primary attachment figures?
    They are able to adopt the emotional role more typically associated with mothers.
    • Tiffany Field - primary attachment fathers spent more time smiling and holding infants than secondary.