3. Abraham Maslow’s Need Hierarchy

Cards (5)

  • Abraham Maslow’s Need Hierarchy - employees would be motivated by and satisfied with their jobs at any given point in time if certain needs were met
  • Proposed that human beings are motivated by several primary needs (drives) at the same time, but the strongest source of motivation is the lowest unsatisfied need
  • As the person satisfies the a lower-level need, the next higher need in the hierarchy becomes the next strongest motivator and remains so even if never satisfied
  • Motivation can be shaped by human thoughts
    1. Physiological Needs – food, air, water, shelter
    2. Safety Needs – physical, psychological, and financial needs
    3. Belongingness/Social needs – interaction with others
    4. Ego Needs – recognition and success
    5. Self-Actualizationhighest potential