Lender or creditor– person (or institution) who invests the money or makes the funds available
Borrower or debtor – person (or institution) who owes the money or avails of the funds from the lender
Origin or loan date – date on which money is received by the borrower
Repayment date or maturity date –date on which the money borrowed or loan is to be completely repaid
Time or term (t)– amount of time in years the money is borrowed or invested; length of time between the origin and maturity dates
Principal (P)– amount of money borrowed or invested on the origin date
Interest (I)– amount paid or earned for the use of money
Rate(r)– annual rate, usually in percent, charged by the lender, or rate of increase of the investment
SimpleInterest (Is) – interest that is computed on the principal and then added to it
CompoundInterest (Ic)–interest is computed on the principal and also on the accumulated past interests
Maturity value or future value (F) –amount after t years that the lender receives from the borrower on the maturity date
Formula for Annual Simple Interest: I=Prt
I= simple interest
P= Principalorthe amountinvestedorborrowed
r= simple interest rate
t= termor time inyears
maturity (Future) Value formula: F=P+I
F= maturity(future) value
P= principal
I= simple interest
Maturity(future) Value formula: F=P(1+rt)
Compound Interest - The amount of money taken from the principal amount with interest and the interest money is being included in computing in the next interest of the months or years
Frequency of conversion (m) – number of conversion periods in one year
Conversionorinterest period (t) – time between successive conversions of interest
Nominal rate(r) – annual rate of interest
compounded annually= 1
compounded semi-annually: 2
compounded quarterly: 4
compounded monthly: 12
compounded daily: 365
Common logarithms are logarithms with base 10; log x is a short notation for log_10x.
Natural logarithms are logarithms to the base e (approximately 2.71828), and are denoted by “ln”. In other words, ln x is another way of writing log_ex.
Annuity - Sequence of payments made at equal (fixed) intervals or periods of time.
Simple Annuity - an annuity where the payment interval is the same as the interest period
Ordinary Annuity (orAnnuity Immediate) – a type of annuity in which the payments are made at the end of each payment interval
Annuity Certain – an annuity in which payments begin and end at definite times
General Annuity - an annuity where the payment interval is not the same as the interest period
Annuity Due – a type of annuity in which the payments are made at beginning of each payment interval
Contingent Annuity – an annuity in which the payments extend over an indefinite (or indeterminate) length of time
Termofanannuity, t – time between the first payment interval and last payment interval