Mother Notes CC

Cards (156)

  • helps identify root cause of problem - QI
  • Current laboratory result is compare with results obtained on a previous specimen from the same patient- delta check
  • The ability to maintain accuracy and precision - reliability
  • Abrupt change in distribution of controls wherein it accumulates one side of the mean for 6 consecutive days- shift
  • Gradual change in distribution of values - trend
  • In handwashing rinsing should be at least 20 sec and should be in a downward position
  • Source of information about chemicals written by manufacturers - MSDS or SDS
  • UV wavelength - <400nm
  • Visible spectrum wavelength - 400 to 700nm
  • Infrared wavelength - >700nm
  • Microwaves - 3um to 3nm
  • Low frequency wavelength- >1cm
  • RACE - Rescue, Alarm,Contain, Extinguish/Evacuate
  • What class of fire can be extinguished by a halon- Class C
  • What class of fire can be extinguished by sand - class D
  • A fire the cannot be extinguished - class E
  • Standard needle gauge for routine veni - 21 green
  • in posture and activity (excercise) what analytes are being affected - glucose, chole, TAG
  • Concentration of a substance is directly proportional to the amount of light absorbed - beer lamberts law
  • In beer lamberts law “A” in Abc stands for - molar Absorptivity
  • In ABC “b” stands for - light Bath length
  • In ABc “c” stands for - concentration
  • Prevents stray light from entering the monochromator - entrance slit
  • A monochromator that is rotatable and non-linear spectrum for high frequency - prism
  • the most common monochromator - diffraction gratings
  • Allows a narrow fraction of spectrum to reach the cuvette - exit slit
  • Converts transmitted light energy into an equivalent electrical energy - photodetector
  • Most sensitive photodetector - photomultiplier tube
  • Measures the amount of light emitted by excited molecules - flame photometry
  • emission of light caused by oxidation of organic compounds catalyzed by an enzyme (hrp/alp) - chemiluminescence
  • emission of light caused by a reaction generated electrochemically on the surface of the electrode - electrochemiluminescence
  • Measures the amount of light scattered by the suspension of antigen and antibody complexes - nephelometry
  • Used for the analysis of proteins and polypeptides - MALDI TOF MS
  • Gold standard for drug analysis - GCMS
  • A major hyperglycemic hormone - glucagon
  • Organ source of somatostatin, insulin and glucagon - pancreas
  • Known to be the juvenile type of DM - type 1
  • Earliest indicator of microalbuminuria - renal nephropathy
  • End color for folin wu copper reduction test - blue
  • Folin wu, nelson-somogyi, neocoproine belongs to what chemical method - copper reduction