
Cards (5)

  • Leaders present at Tehran + relations with each other
    Stalin - concerned that USA and BR were delaying a second front against Germany, pleased with agreement to open front in the West.
    Churchill - less pleased as he had wanted to open front in the Balkans, rather than the West.
    Roosevelt - sided with Stalin on this.
  • At the Tehran conference, a winning strategy was agreed too end war.
    • USA and BR would open a second front, launching an attack on Germany and Western Europe (ease pressure on eastern front as the Soviets were suffering heavy losses)
    The Germans would take troops from Soviet Union to fight in the west.
    • Stalin would declare war against Japan + Soviet troops would be supplied to help USA with war against Japanese (but only once war in Europe was over)
  • Additionally, at the Tehran conference, the big three discussed what would happen to Germany and countries east of it after war.
    • There was no formal agreement however it was agreed that the aim of war should be to bring about the complete surrender of Germany and it should remain weak after war.
    • Was also agreed that Poland should receive land from Germany , but that the Soviet Union could keep land taken from Poland in 1939
    This was very important to Stalin as his ultimate aim was to secure a Western border around the Soviet Union.
    • International body should form (laid grounds for the UN)
  • Impact
    Tensions arose between the USA and BR.
    • Roosevelt at times viewed British Colonialism as more of a threat to world peace than the Soviet Union.
    • Good relations between Roosevelt and Stalin may create position where big 3 becomes big 2 (after 1945 USA + SU became the only superpowers)
  • The Tehran conference occurred in November 1943 (During the second world war). Tehran is located in Iran.