Life: an organized genetic unit capable of metabolism, reproduction, and evolution. A sustained chemical system capable of undergoing Darwinism evolution. DNA, cells, metabolism, adaptation, homeostasis, growth, reproduction, evolution. ALL HAVE METABOLISM IN COMMON!!!!!!
Metabolism is the absorption of nutrients, excretion of wastes, energy acquisition and transformation (ex. Krebs Cycle), and cellular synthesis.
Reproduction is growth (duplication of all cellular components) and division of discrete units (cells).
Evolution is variation, reproduction, and mutation (mistakes in copying cell components)
Origins of life 1.
Organic molecules like nucleotides and amino acids produced prior to the existence of cells.
Origins of life 2.
Nucleotides and amino acids became polymerized to form DNA, RNA, and proteins.
Origins of Life 3.
Polymers became enclosed in membranes
Origins of life 4.
Polymers enclosed in membranes acquired cellular properties
Origins of Life 1. Origin of organic molecules
Conditions on Earth were more conducive to SPONTANEOUS formation of organic molecules. This formation is known as the prebiotic (primordial) soup.
Origins of Life 1. Origin of organic molecules
reducing atmosphere hypothesis - atmospheric reactions with lightening, solar, and cosmic radiation.
extraterrestrial hypothesis - on meteorites molecules formed in interstellar clouds
deep sea vent hypothesis - underwater reactions with volcanic vents
Reducing Atmosphere Hypothesis
Miller-Urey 1952's Experiment: set up sterile anaerobic atmospheric conditions with electrical discharge. Resulted in SPONTANEOUS FORMATION of simple organic molecules (monomers) which gave way to amino acids, simple carbohydrates, and simple lipids.
Origins of life Stage 2. Organic Polymers
experimentally, prebiotic synthesis of polymers WAS THOUGHT IMPOSSIBLE in aqueous solutions (since hydrolysis competes with polymerization). However, experiments have shown formation of nucleic acid polymers and polypeptides on CLAY SURFACES
Origins of life Stage 3. Formation of Boundaries
Formation of a boundary that SEPARATED THE INTERNAL POLYMERS from the environment.
Protobiont (also called protocells) aggregate of molecules and macromolecules that acquired a BOUNDARY. Such as a LIPID BILAYER, that allowed it to maintain an INTERNAL CHEMICAL ENVIRONMENT distinct from that of its surroundings.
What are characteristics that make protobionts possible precursors to living cells?
a BOUNDARY separated external environment from internal contents.
polymers inside the protobiont contained INFORMATION
polymers inside the protobiont had ENZYMATIC FUNCTION
protobionts capable of SELF REPLICATION
Origins of life 3. Formation of boundaries
Living cells may have evolved from coacervates and liposomes.
Origins of life 4. RNA world
Majority of scientists favor RNA as the FIRST MACROMOLECULE of protobionts
RNA has three key functions: ability to store information, capacity for self replication, and enzymatic function (ribozymes)
Origins of life 4. RNA world
Advantages of DNA/RNA/protein world include:
INFORMATION STORAGE: DNA would have relieved RNA of informational role and allowed RNA to do other functions, DNA is less likely to suffer mutations.
METABOLISM AND OTHER CELLULAR FUNCTIONS: proteins have a greater catalytic potential and efficiency, and can perform other tasks (cytoskeleton, transport, etc.)
Fossils: layers of SEDIMENTARY rock containing fossils. Over time sediments pile up and become rock.
Radioisotope Dating
half-life is the length of time required for exactly one-half of original isotope to decay.
Changes in living organisms are the result of genetic changes and environmental changes. They can allow for new types of organisms and are responsible for many extinctions.
Major environmental changes include climate/temp, atmosphere, land masses, floods, glaciations, volcanic eruptions, and meteoric impacts.
Archaean (3.8 to 2.5 bya)
first cells were PROKARYOTIC (LACK NUCLEI)
all life was prokaryotic during archaean eon
almost no free oxygen so organisms were ANAEROBIC (NOT REQUIRE OXYGEN)
AUTOTROPHS (ENERGY VIA PRODUCTION) evolved as supply of organic molecules dwindled
Evidence of life Archaean Eon
AUTOTROPHIC cyanobacteria were preserved but HETEROTROPHIC ancestors were not.
formed STROMATOLITES (microbial mats of layered structure of calcium carbonate)
Proterozoic (2.5 bya - 543 mya)
multicellular EUKARYOTES (CELLS WITH NUCLEUS) arise (1.5 bya)
two possible origins: individuals form a colony and single cells divide but stay stuck together. Consequence = allowed for complexity and specialization of cells
ex. volvocine green algae display variations in the degree of MULTICELLULARITY.
MILESTONE IN LIFE = eukaryotes include all multicellular organisms
First animals were invertebrates
BILATERAL SYMMETRY - facilitates locomotion
Proterozoic Eon - Origin of Eukaryotic Cells
Modern eukaryotes -> DNA found in nucleus, mitochondria, and chloroplasts -> both ARCHEA and BACTERIA contributed substantially to NUCLEAR GENOME -> ENDOSYMBIOTIC RELATIONSHIPS gave rise to eukaryotic cells
Phanerozoic Eon = diversification of invertebrates and colonization of land plants and animals
Cambrian (543-490 mya)
warm and wet with no ice at poles
CAMBRIAN EXPLOSION: abrupt increase in diversity of animal species (case unknown -> shell evolution, atmospheric oxygen, "arms race"
all existing major types of marine invertebrates plus many others that no longer exist.
Ordovician (490-443 mya)
diverse group of marine invertebrates including trilobites and brachiopods
towards end, abrupt climate change (large glaciers) resulting in MASS EXTINCTION (over 60% of marine invertebrates go extinct)
Silurian (443-417 mya)
coral reefs appeared
large colonization by terrestrial plants and animals
spiders and centipedes
earliest VASCULAR PLANTS (transport system for water and nutrients)
Devonian, Age of Fish (417-354 mya)
ferns, horsetails and seed plants (GYMNOSPERMS), insects emerge
TETRAPODS -> amphibians emerge
near end, prolonged series of EXTINCTIONS eliminate many marine species
Carboniferous (354-290 mya)
rich COAL DEPOSITS formed
very large plants, trees, amphibians prevalent
first flying insects
Permian (290-248 mya)
amphibians prevalent but reptiles became dominant
at the end, largest known mass EXTINCTION EVENT (KNOWN AS THE GREAT DYING OR PERMIAN-TRIASSIC EXTINCTION) -> 90-95% of all marine species and large proportion of terrestrial species eliminated. Caused by glaciations and/or volcanic eruptions
Triassic, Age of Dinosaurs (248-206 mya)
reptiles plentiful
first DINOSAURS and first true mammals
gymnosperms dominant land plant
volcanic eruptions led to global warming and mass extinctions near the end
Jurassic (206-144 mya)
gymnosperms still dominant
dinosaurs dominant land animals
first known bird
mammals present but not prevalent
Cretaceous (144-65 mya)
dinosaurs still dominant on land
earliest flowering plants, ANGIOSPERMS
another MASS EXTINCTION at the end of the period (cretaceous-tertiary or K-T extinction) -> dinosaurs extinct but archosaurs survived (crocadilians and birds)
K-T Extinction (~66 million years ago)
large meteorite hit region known as the Yucatan, lifting massive amounts of debris -> clouding the atmosphere resulting in an "impact winter" lasting ~2 years -> climate change cascade lasted ~10,000 years
Tertiary, Age of Mammals (65-1.8 mya)
mammals that survived diversified rapidly
ANGIOSPERMS (flowering plants) become the dominant land plant
whales appeared
Quaternary (1.8 mya to present)
PERIODIC ICE AGES cover much of Europe and North America