a measure of how acidic or basic a solution is. ranges from 0-14, with 0 being strong acids, 14 being strong bases, and 7 being neutral
solutions with a pH below 7 are acidic, while solutions with a pH above 7 are basic. neutral solutions have an equal balance of hydroxide and hydrogen ions
the pH scale with step count
pH stands for "power of hydrogen"
the pH scale is logarithmic
the pH of soil can vary due to:
the type of rock
the kind of plants
the materials people added
certain plants prefer certain pH levels in their soils
there are many places where soil has been contaminated with toxic chemicals, but a technique to deal with it is acid leaching
acid leaching
the process of removing heavy metals from soil by adding an acid solution and catching the solution as it drains out. this process is effective, but expensive and disruptive to the natural systems
using certain types of plants can also help decontaminate soil. the process is called phytoremediation
most commercial products have a pH that is close to neutral. if not, the Hazardous Household Products Symbols (HHPS) will be used to label the product