Cards (54)

  • A belief system or a worldview is a collection of beliefs about life and the universe being held by people.
  • Belief refers to a conviction concerning ideas.
  • Belief shapes our ideas regarding our reality, and is influenced by our perception, experiences, and ideas.
  • Belief systems are the stories we tell ourselves or ideas we hold that define our personal sense of reality.
  • Polytheism is the belief and worship of many gods.
  • Monotheism is the doctrine/belief in one supreme god.
  • Monism is the belief that there is no real distinction between god and the universe.
  • Rules about how to behave; these rules are often thought to have come from a deity or supernatural place, but they might also be seen as guidelines created by the group over time.
  • Most religions share emotions such as awe, mystery, guilt, joy, devotion, conversion, inner peace, etc.
  • Beliefs are explained, taught, and made real through ceremonies.
  • Agnosticism is the disbelief in or denial of the existence of a personal god.
  • Monotheistic religions, such as Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, believe in one God.
  • Belief in a superhuman power outside of you, the creator of the universe is a religious belief.
  • Spirituality refers to a broad set of principles that transcend all religions and seeks a meaningful connection with something bigger than yourself.
  • Philosophy of Religion refers to the study of the meaning and nature of religion and focuses on the analysis of religious concepts, beliefs, terms, arguments, and the practices of religious adherents.
  • Anthropological Structures of Religion categorizes religions into Western and Eastern religions.
  • Religions use things to perform rituals or to express or represent beliefs, such as: statues, paintings, music, flowers, incense, clothes, architecture, and specific sacred locations.
  • Polytheistic religions, such as Hinduism and Taoism, believe in more than one god.
  • Religions see some things as sacred and some not sacred (or profane).
  • Theology refers to the study of religious faith, practice, and experience; especially, the study of God and of God's relation to the world.
  • Religion, in its original sense, refers to expression of proper piety, that is, binding to god.
  • The eight elements of religions or belief systems are community, central stories/myths, ethics, character, emotional experiences, material expression, rituals, and sacredness.
  • Religion has become a very important aspect in the development of civilizations and cultures, with most ancient societies based their worldviews on religion.
  • Religion promotes social harmony, provides positive goals in life, gives people a sense of belongingness, and promotes social change.
  • Religion believes in supernatural beings and powers, practices a set of rituals and ceremonies, and provides moral values.
  • Religion was developed from man’s need to have a sense of origin and destination, to discover where they came from and where they are bound to go when they die.
  • Religion provides social change, reduces fear of the unknown, and provides moral values.
  • Religion has often been named as the culprit behind divisiveness and conflicts among people, and can be dangerous to society when used to advance the interests of a people at the expense of other people especially those with different religious beliefs.
  • Some religions affirm social hierarchy often favoring men, perpetuating the notions of class and gender discrimination and oppression.
  • Religion can be a source of conflicts and war, causing discrimination and impeding scientific success and development.
  • Religion has proven to impede scientific development throughout history.
  • Many question the suitability of religious doctrine to the needs of the present and future generations.
  • According to the German philosopher Karl Marx, “religion is the opium of the masses”.
  • Culture touches everything from the humanities to the sciences, from religion to technology.
  • The earliest evidence of spiritual belief among humans dates back to the Paleolithic Period.
  • As communities became increasingly complex and sophisticated, humans began to ponder matters of existence, being, and purpose.
  • Religions are practiced differently in various parts of the world and are significant for many people because they establish different lifestyles among their believers.
  • Cultural diversity played a great part in shaping religions, with pre-colonial Filipinos expressing their religion through artistic means, such as carving figurines of their deities and gods.
  • Social factors also help shape individuals’ beliefs, lifestyles, and personalities, including prominent personalities who have greatly impacted their respective religions: Pope John Paul II and Mother Teresa.
  • The Emergence of Civilizations includes China, Indus Valley, Egypt, The Americas, and Mesopotamia.