From the Ramayana

Cards (19)

  • Rama was banished from his kingdom and his wife is named Sita.
  • Rama and Sita wandered in exile for 14 years.
  • Ravana is the chief of a group of rakshasas, or demons.
  • Rama seeks Sita with the help of Hanuman, the monkey god.
  • Ravana found the gory scene intolerable, despite living a life of violence.
  • Before the battle, Ravana had a ritual bath and performed special prayers to gain the blessing of Shiva.
  • Ravana's resolve was that either Sita or his wife Mandodari would become widows before the day ended.
  • The gods, feeling that Rama needed their utmost support, requested Indra to send down his special chariot for Rama's use.
  • Rama instructed the charioteer to follow his directions and to speed up when necessary.
  • Mahodara was described as "A giant among giants" in his physical description.
  • Ravana ordered Mahodara to leave Rama to him alone and, if he really wanted to fight, to fight his brother.
  • Rama noticed Mahodara's purpose and blocked his path with his chariot to stop him.
  • Mahodara's charioteer suggested not charging towards Rama and to stay away for the time being, but his obstinance refused.
  • Mahodara charged towards Rama and was killed in a moment's work.
  • After Mahodara's defeat, Ravana's anger reached insane heights.
  • The omens that appeared before Ravana were: bowstrings snapped, mountains shook, thunders rumbled in the sky, tears flowed from the horses' eyes, and elephants moving along dejectedly.
  • Ravana underestimated Rama, calling him a mere mortal.
  • Rama, instead of going straight for him, decimated the army supporting him, in an attempt to maybe bring a change of heart to Ravana.
  • Ravana's chariot could move by itself.