Coins, currency, and other cash equivalents owned by the business and notyetdeposited in the bank
012 Cash in Bank
Unwithdrawn deposits in the bank; Usually, the name of the bank is used as the account title.
013 Notes Receivable
Amounts collectible from customers for goods sold and services rendered on credit or from others for loans granted; Such claims are evidenced by a promissory note.
014 Interest Receivable
Interest earned on notes on hand which has not been received in cash
015a AllowanceforBadDebts
This is a contra-asset account to provide for uncollectible amounts. It is deducted from AccountsReceivable to present the amount stillcollectible from debtors.
Goods purchased by the business to be sold at a profit
Miscellaneous supplies which have been bought for office use but are stillunused as of the balance sheet date
Alreadypaidinsurance premiums which are applicable in the future periods
It includes tables, chairs, showcases, counters, and other similar assets owned and used by the business in its operation.
020 Equipment
It includes typewriters, calculators, cashregisters, and other similar assets.
DeliveryEquipment - includes assets used for transportingmerchandise
AccumulatedDepreciation - It is a valuationaccount that reduces the totalcost of the fixed asset.
021 Land
Land owned by the business used for buildingsites and otherbusiness purposes
022 Building
Buildings owned and used by the business in its operation
015 Accounts Receivable
Claims from customers arising from goods sold or servicesrenderedoncredit