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    • from the Greek word “Physis” meaning nature or origin and “Logia” which means Study of
    • from the Greek word “Psyche” which means mind and “logia” which means study of.
    • A branch of biology that deals with the workings of the human body.
    • it refers to the branch of science that studies the working of the human mind more specifically the ones that deal with behavior.
  • psychology: psyche
    physiology: physis
  • it means nature or origin
    • is a branch of biological psychology that deals with the workings of the mind and body.
    Physiological Psychology
    • studies how the different workings of the body as in direct link to the brain
    Physiological Psychology
    • Physiological psychology is a subdivision of behavioral neuroscience (biological psychology) that studies the neural mechanisms of behavior, emotion, thought, perception, learning, memory, and all other elements of psychology in terms of biological structures (different regions of the brain and organs of the endocrine system) and physiological processes.
    • It concerns the brain cells, structures, components, and chemical interactions that are involved in order to produce actions.
    Physiological psychology
    • The basis for these studies all surrounds themselves around the notion of how the nervous system intertwines with other
    • people tried to cure others by drilling holes in the skull (trepanation).
    • During mummification, the brain was removed through the nostrils and replaced with rosin.
    • During mummification, the brain was removed through the nostrils and replaced with rosin.
  • Hippocrates went further by suggesting that the brain was also the source of intelligence
  • Hippocrates went further by suggesting that the brain was also the source of intelligence
  • Aristotle believed that the heart was the source of intellect
  • Aristotle believed that the heart was the source of intellect
  • Herophilus, who is often referred to as the father of anatomy
  • ventricles (the fluid-filled cavities in the brain)
    • Herophilus, who is often referred to as the father of anatomy, believed that the ventricles (the fluid-filled cavities in the brain) played this important role.
    • Galen, a Greek physician serving the Roman Empire, made careful dissections of animals (and we suspect of the mortally wounded gladiators in his care as well.)
    • Galen believed that the ventricles played an important role in transmitting messages to and from the brain.
  • Descartes is also notable for his support of mind-body dualism.
  • Descartes is also notable for his support of mind-body dualism.
    • Modern neurosciences are based on monism rather than dualism.
  • The monism perspective proposes that the mind is the result of activity in the brain, which can be studied scientifically.
    • philosophical perspective put forward by René Descartes in which the body is mechanistic, whereas the mind is separate and nonphysical.
    mind-body dualism 
    • philosophical perspective characteristic of the neurosciences in which the mind is viewed as the product of activity in the brain and nervous system
    • Gall and Spurzheim proposed a more modern view of the brain as the organ organ of of the mind, composed of interconnected, cooperative, yet relatively independent functional units.
    • Gall and Spurzheim proposed a more modern view of the brain as the organ organ of of the mind, composed of interconnected, cooperative, yet relatively independent functional units.
    • Paul Broca correlated the damage he observed in patients with the behavior and concluded that language functions were localized in the brain.
    • Hughlings Jackson proposed that the nervous system was organized as a hierarchy, with simpler processing carried out by lower levels and more sophisticated processing carried out by the higher levels, such as the cerebral cortex.
  • Charles Sherrington not only coined the term "synapse."
  • the point of communication between two neurons
  • ·       Egyptians discard brain during mummification cation process, however, published case studies indicate accurate observations of neural disorders
  • ·       Hippocrates declares that the brain is the source of intellect.
  • ·       Galen makes accurate observations from dissection; however, believed that fluids transmitted messages.
  • ·       René Descartes suggests mind-body dualism; hydraulic transmission.
  • ·       Anton van Leeuwenhoek invented the light microscope.