Zacharias Jansen invented one of the microscope’s first prototypes.
Robert Hooke reported some first clear drawings of the plant cells he had observed in thin cellsofcork.
Anton van Leeuwenhoek reported his discovery of blood cells, sperm cells, and a lively world of “animalcules” which were later found to be bacteria and protozoans.
Lorenz Oken suggested that all organisms originate from and consist of cells
Robert Brown Discovered the nucleus as a part of the plant cell and nuclei in some animalcells
Felix Dujaridin recognized the living substance within the cell which he termed as sarcode, and was later changed to protoplasm.
Mathias Schleiden concluded cells are the elementary particles of plants
Theodre Schwann concluded cells are the elementary particlesofanimals
RudolfVirchow discovered that cells are formed from a preexisting cell and that cellsarethebasicunitoflife
Modern Cell theory include:
all organismsarecomposedofoneormore cells.
Cells are the basic unitoforganizationofallorganisms.