Cards (4)

  • CBT has no side effects like antipsychotics
  • Jauhar: reviewed 34 studies of CBT for schizophrenia found a small but significant effect on both positive and negative symptoms. NICE  found consistent evidence that when compared with standard antipsychotic drug treatment CBT more effective reduced rehospitalisation  for over 18 months following the end of treatment
  • There is a problem with a lack of availability only 1 in 10 suffers get access to CBT.
    Some patients do get offered it and don’t take it up too much of a commitment and just too expensive.
  • Sensky (2000) showed that patients who had resisted drug treatments had a reduction in positive and negative symptoms when treated with CBT. They also continued to improve even 9 months after treatment had ended. This suggests that psychological therapy can be effective even in cases when drugs are not, but are also an improvement on drug therapies as drugs only reduce the symptoms in the short term.