Cards (3)

  • rely heavily on herbal remedies, but now we choose remedies
    based on colour or shape. For example, if you have yellow skin from
    jaundice, we use yellow herbs like saffron. Or if you have red skin
    because of a rash, we recommend drinking red wine, eating red fruits
    and wearing red clothes.
  • Books were now used to
    spread ideas on herbal
    remedies. E.g. Mary Doggett
    noted scurvy could be cured
    by wine and 12 Oranges. But
    didn’t know why.
  • New remedies were
    brought from the New
    World such as
    tobacco, tea,
    cinnamon and
    nutmeg. Sydenham
    used quinine for
    treating malaria.
    Ipecac cured