Ursula bring my picture here. Go give your masterthis: tell him from me, one Julia,that his changing thoughts forget, would better fit his chamber than this shadow.
This is the letter to your ladyship.
I pray thee, let me look on that again.
It may not be; good madam, pardon me.
There, hold! I will not look upon your master's lines: I know they are stuff'd with protestations and full of new-found oaths; which he will break as easily as I do tear his paper.
Madam, he sends your ladyship this ring.
The more shame for him that he sends it me; for I have heard him say a thousand times his Julia gave it him at his departure. Though his false finger have profaned the ring, mine shall not do his Julia so much wrong.
She thanks you.
What say'st thou?
Poor gentlewoman! My master wrongs her much.
Dost thou know her?
That I have wept a hundred several times.
Belike she thinks that Proteus hath forsook her.
I think she doth; and that's her cause of sorrow.
Is she not passing fair?
That now she is become as black as I.
How tall was she?
If I in thought felt not her very sorrow!
She is beholding to thee, gentle youth. Alas, poor lady, desolateandleft! I weep myself to think upon thy words. Here, youth, there is my purse; I give thee this for thy sweet mistress' sake, because thou lovest her. Farewell.