Ch 5: Community Ecology

Cards (24)

  • Biotic interactions are not permanent and can change over time.
  • Biotic interaction: Competition, negative impact to both parties
  • Biotic interaction: Amensalism, presence is negative to one party but the other one doesn't benefit
  • Biotic interaction: Predation/herbivory/parasitism, positive to one and negative to other party
  • Biotic interaction: Mutualism, positive to both parties
  • Biotic interaction: Commensalism, positive to one and neutral to the other
  • Biotic interaction: neutralism, neutral to both parties
  • Intraspecific competition: same species competing
  • Interspecific competition: different species competing
  • Resource Competition: scramble, don't interact but lose resources because less available than before
  • Interference Competition: come together and fight for resources, could be the same species
  • Fundamental niche: what a population is capable of using
  • Realized niche: what a population actually utilizes
  • Predator-prey relationship: One goes up then the other goes down, they follow each other in numbers
  • Character displacement: shifting of closely related traits due to competitive interactions. Evolution starts to happen
  • Antipredator Strategies: Chemical defense, Cryptic coloration, mimicry, displays of intimidation, fighting/defenses
  • Mullerian mimicry: toxic species that have a similar pattern
  • Batesian mimicry: a species mimics another species to trick predators
  • Species richness: number of species
  • Species abundance: number of individuals/species
  • Shannon diversity index: combines richness and diversity
  • Alpha diversity: diversity at a particular site
  • Beta diversity: diversity between sites
  • Gamma diversity: combines alpha and beta