Act 2 quotes

Cards (38)

  • 'Man stands stands amazed to see his deformity in any other creature but himself' -B
  • 'I look no higher than I can reach' -B
  • 'What thing is in this outward form of man to be beloved?'
  • 'A rotten and dead body, we delight to hide it in rich tissue' - B
  • 'She pukes, her stomach seethes'
  • 'Search the greatest heads of the greatest rivers in the world, you shall find them but bubbles of water'
  • 'The Duchess used one when she was great with child' -B
    'I think she did' - D
  • 'Oh you jest!' - D
  • 'Tis a pretty art this grafting' -B
    'Tis so - a bettering of nature' -D
  • 'How greedily she eats them!' -B
  • 'Oh, my trusty Delio, we are lost!' -A
  • 'I am lost in amazement!' -A
  • 'Most vulturous eating'
    'Breeding' -B
  • Women marry for 'Precious reward' - B
  • 'The devil takes delight to hang at a woman's girdle' - B
  • Stichomythia between servants - chaos
    'A Switzer in the Duchess's bedchamber'
    'With a pistol in his codpiece!'
  • 'She's exposed unto the worst of torture, pain, and fear' - A
  • 'How I do play the fool with mine own danger!' -A
  • 'How superstitiously we mind our evils!' -Delio
  • 'Saucy slave! I'll pull thee up by the roots!' -A
  • 'Impudent snake' -A
  • Child's astrology
    'Signifies a short life'
    'Doth threaten a violent death'
  • Personification of lust
    'She's oft found witty, but is never wise'
  • 'View another spacious world i'th' moon and look to find a constant woman there.' -C
  • 'I have taken you off your melancholy perch, bore you upon my fist, and showed you game, and let you fly at it.' -C
  • 'Just like one that hath a little fingering on the lute, yet cannot tune it.' -C
  • When Ferdinand gets the letter that the Duchess has married he is described as 'out of his wits'
  • 'A sister damned' -F
    'Notorious strumpet' -F
  • 'Why do you make yourself so wild a tempest?' -C to F
  • 'Root up her goodly forests, blast her meads, and lay her general territory as waste' -F
  • 'Shall our blood - the royal blood of Aragon and Castille - be thus attainted?' -C
  • 'Infected blood' -F
  • 'My imagination will carry me to see her in the shameful act of sin'
    'Strong-thighed bargeman' -F
  • 'Whore's milk' 'Whore's blood' -F
  • 'I can be angry without this rupture' -C
  • 'so beastly, so deformed as doth intemperate anger' - C to F
  • 'Are you stark mad?' -C to F
  • 'I'll find scorpions to string my whips and fix her a general eclipse.' -F