organic molecules: a molecule containing carbon atoms
a carbon atom behaves as if it has four unpaired electrons, this happens because one of the electrons in the outermost spherical orbital moves into the empty dumbbell shaped orbital
carbon based molecules are structurally and functionally diverse
carbon atoms can link with other carbon atoms through covalent bonds
ethane forms when 2 carbon atoms become connected by a covalent bond
the number of single bonds between two carbons is called the degree of unsaturation
in ethane there is only one double bond so its degree of unsaturation is 1
unsaturated hydrocarbons have double or triple bonds
2 adjacent carbon atoms can also share 2 pairs of electrons forming a double bond
a double bond is shorter than a single bond and is not free to rotate, all of the covalent bonds are formed by carbon atoms connected by double bonds
isomers: molecules with the same molecular formula but different structural formulae