Crime : Snider

Cards (4)

  • Snider argues the government is often reluctant to pass laws which regulate and limit the behaviour of big businesses. This is particularly apt in recent times as many companies are multinational and most simply take their business elsewhere. If laws begin to limit their behaviour too much.
  • One example is Grenfell Tower, Grenfel Tower was a building, which was clad in a flammable material to make it look more posh in a middle class it was an eyesore, the developers used the flammable cladding and it burnt down killing multiple people and no one was punished.
  • Points out that the government is reluctant to pass laws which regulate d limit the behaviour of big businesses. His example is Grenfell Tower. The cladding was put on the building to make it seem less poor in a rich area, the cladding was highly flammable and a fire in the building resulted in 72 people dead - mostly children & elderlies. It didn't go to court. Health and Safety Laws are created to protect us all but only protect the powerful: caring face of capitalism (Pearce).
  • A woman stabbed her husband in the leg with a butterknife and the judge let her go ; she had a promising future (med student).