Crime : Althusser

Cards (4)

  • Crime is a logical result of ruling class ideology. The values transmitted through capitalism are competition, greed and selfishness. Crime is a perfectly normal response to these values. Marxists are surprised that not more crime is committed.
  • Althusser argued the ISA includes the school and the variety of forms of media, and it is through these that the ruling class are able to socialise individuals into accepting a legitimate ruling class ideology.
  • Althusser
    ISAs are responsible for promoting ruling class values of freedom, self-interest, competition and the rights of private property. The result is a society in which the basic values guiding action support the capitalist political and economic system and reinforces the power of the ruling class.
  • Law creation is based on the ruling classes and what they dictate to be important. Althusser presented:
    • Ideological State Apparatus - manipulation of values and passing laws to ensure their values are seen as the most important
    • Repressive State Apparatus -pressure groups : covert pressure groups lobby the government into changing their minds about certain issues; this way they control how laws are made and make sure that they favour the wealthy. ASl such as police, army or court are also ways of pressuring working class to act a certain way.