Cards (16)

  • Articles- Published in scholarly journals, this type of academic textoffers results of any research and development that can either impact the academic community or provide relevance to nation-building. Conference Papers- These are papers presented in scholastic conferences, and may be revised as articles for possible publication in scholarly journals. Reviews- These provide evaluation or reviews of works published inscholarly journals. Thesis, Dissertations- These are personal researches written by a candidate for a college or university degree.
  • Academic writing seeks to inform, to teach, to add to the reader’s knowledge by way of new ideas.
  • Academic writing that seeks to entertain may take the form of creative nonfiction whose intent─ in addition to telling a story─ would be to state a narrative in an academic way.
  • Persuasive writing aims to influence readers to take a particular stance of belief.
  • Another aim of writing would to be inspire.
  • To inspire means to uplift, to make someone feel better or be enlightened.
  • This form of writing aims to reach out to its readers regardless of religious affiliation.
  • Without being hardcore religious, this form of writing explores themes that resonate with most readers.
  • The tone used by the writer complements the subject and purpose for which it is written.
  • A more casual tone may be used by the writer for non-academic topics.
  • In cases when the writer is expressing dissatisfaction over certain issues, he or she may use sarcastic tone.
  • A text consists of layers of meaning, and as a reader you need to determine its meaning beyond what is stated in the title.
  • A text’s literal meaning is what is stated directly by the writer.
  • A text is said to have an implied meaning when what is directly stated is not it’s real meaning.
  • Skimming- reading rapidly in order to get a general overview of the material.
  • Scanning- reading rapidly in order to find specific facts.