4.1.3 - Alkenes

Cards (46)

  • What is the molecular shape about each carbon atom in alkenes and why?
    + each carbon atom in a (C-C) double covalent bond contains three bonding regions and no lond pairs
    + molecular shape about each carbon atom must be trigonal planar
    + bond angle is 120 degrees about each carbon atom of double bond
  • What is the general formula of branched and unbranched alkenes?
  • How are alkenes structured generally?
    + alkenes are unsaturated molecules
    + contain at least one double carbon bond
    + cyclic alkenes and alkenes with more than one double bond do not have the same general formula of CnH2n
  • Why can free rotation occur around the C-C sigma bond in alkanes?
    heaviest electron density in sigma bond exists along same plane line of C-C bond
  • How do sigma bonds form in alkenes?
    + Sigma bonds are simply single covalent bonds formed from a head-on overlap of orbitals
    + For each carbon atom, there are four outershell electrons
    + Three of the outershell electrons are used to form 3 sigma bonds
    + one electron from each carbon atom in double bond forms a sigma bond to other carbon atom of double bond
    + two electrons from each carbon atom in double bond forms two other sigma bonds to two other atoms (carbon or hydrogen)
  • How does pi bonding occur in alkenes?
    + fourth electron on each carbon atom of double bond not involved in sigma bonding
    + fourth electron occupies p orbital
    + pi bond formed by sideways overlap of p orbitals
    + pi bond creates area of electron density above and below plane of carbon atoms
  • Which bond is weaker, a pi bond or a sigma bond, and why?
    + pi bonds are weaker than sigma bonds
    + as sideways overlap of p orbitals has a smaller orbital overall than head-on overlap of orbitals forming a sigma bond
    + less energy required to break pi bonds
    + only pi bond breaks when alkenes react
  • What is the chemical test for alkenes?
    + bromine water looks orange-yellow
    + when alkenes added to bromine water, colour change from orange-yellow to colourless observed
    + highlights that alkenes contain unsaturated bonds that are reactive
  • What does the double bond do to the motion of the carbon atoms?
    + pi bond locks the carbon atoms in position
    + restricts carbon atoms from rotating around the double bond
    + makes geometry of alkenes different from alkanes
  • How are alkenes used in the natural world?
    + limonene is a cyclic alkene found in rinds of citrus fruits
    + naturally responsible for smell and flavour of oranges and lemons
    + limonen also used in perfumes and household cleaning products due to its fragrance
  • What is stereoisomerism?
    have the same molecular and structural formula, but different arrangements of atoms in space
  • How do E-Z stereoisomers form?
    result from different spatial arrangements of atoms or groups around double bond
  • What are the conditions for e-z isomerism?
    + restricted rotation of groups/ atoms around C=C double bonds
    + groups/ atoms bonded to each carbon of double bond are different
  • What is a Z isomer?
    + atom or group with highest atomic number on each carbon atom on the same side of double bond
  • What is an E isomer?
    + atom or group with highest atomic number on each carbon
    + opposite sides of double bond
  • What are the Cahn-Ingold-Prelog rules?
    + priority given to atoms or groups with highest atomic number
    + to decide E-Z steroisomerism
    + known as CIP rules
    + Br > Cl > F > H : highest to lowest priority
  • What is Cis-trans isomerism?
    + if atom or group attached to each carbon atom are same, then there is a special case of isomerism called cis-trans isomerism
  • What is a cis isomer?
    when atom/ group attached to carbon atom are the same and on the same side of double bond
  • What is a trans isomer?
    when atom/ group attached to carbon atom are same and on opposite sides of double bond
  • What are electrophiles?
    electron pair acceptors
  • What is the chemical behaviour of electrophiles?
    + electron deficient
    + attracted to electron rich regions in other molecules
    + e.g. double bond in alkenes
  • What are three examples of electrophiles?
    + hydrogen halides (HX)
    + halogen molecules (X2)
    + hydrogen molecules (H2)
  • Why are hydrogen halides electrophiles?
    + permanent dipoles exist in hydrogen halides
    + hydrogen atom in hydrogen halide has a slightly positive charge
    + halogen is more electronegative than the hydrogen atom
    + hydrogen atom is electron deficient
    + accepts electrons from electron rich regions such as alkene double bond
  • How are permanent dipoles induced in halogen molecules?
    + electron repulsion occurs between halogen molecule and electron rich alkene
    + permanent dipole created in halogen molecule to minimise repulsion
  • Why are halogen molecules electrophiles?
    + electron repulsion exists between electron rich double carbon bond of an alkene and electron cloud surrounding halogen molecule
    + due to high negative charges being in close proximity
    + to reduce repulsion, electron cloud in halogen molecule shifts away from electron rich double bond
    + induces a dipole in halogen molecule with slightly positive charge on halogen atom closest to alkene
    + slightly positive atom is able to accept electrons from double carbon bond
  • What is the general reaction of the electrophilic addition reactions of alkenes with hydrogen halides?
    alkene + HX -> halogenoalkane
  • What is the general reaction mechanism of electrophilic addition reactions of alkenes with hydrogen halides?
    alkene -> carbocation (intermediate) -> halogenoalkane
  • What is the bromination of alkenes?
    + chemical test for alkenes is an example of electrophilic addition
    + alkene added to bromine water causes colour change from orange-yellow to colourless
    + called a bromination reactions as bromine is added
  • What is the hydrogenation of alkenes are what are the conditions?
    + hydrogenation is a reaction where hydrogen is added across a double bond
    + turn alkenes into alkanes
    + high temperatures (150 degrees C)
    + Nickel catalyst, Ni
  • Do you get the same products from the addition reactions of different alkene stereoisomers?
    + Yes, product is saturated so there is no restricted rotation/ single C-C bonds to allow rotation in the final product
  • What is the hydration of alkenes?
    + steam added across a double bond
    + turn alkenes into alcohol
  • What are the conditions for the hydration of alkenes?
    + high temperature (300 degrees C)
    + high pressure (65 atm)
    + acid catalyst: concentration phosphoric acid (H3PO4) or concentrated sulfuric acid (H2SO4)
  • What is formed from the addition reactions with unsymmetrical alkene?
    a minor and major product
  • When electrophiles react with unsymmetrical alkenes, how can different products be formed?
    via different carbocations with varying stability
  • What is the order of increasing stability from primary, secondary to tertiary carbocations?
    primary < secondary < tertiary
  • What is a primary carbocation?
    A primary carbocation is a carbocation where the carbon atom bearing the positive charge is directly attached to one other carbon atom.
  • What is a secondary carbocation?
    Carbocation with two alkyl groups attached.
  • What is a tertiary carbocation?
    A carbocation with three alkyl groups attached to the positively charged carbon atom.
  • Which dipoles are formed in a water molecule when it reacts in the hydrogenation of alkenes?
    slightly positive hydrogen bonded to slightly negative hydroxyl group
    Hδ+ ----- OHδ-
  • What is the inductive effect?
    + the larger the number of alkyl groups attached to the positively charged carbon atom of the carbocation, the greater the inductive effect
    + increases stability of the carbocation
    + inductive effect - when electrons from each alkyl group are pushed towards the positively charged carbon atom
    + helps to reduce positive charge of carbon atom - makes carbocation more stable