part c- other N.I measures

Cards (7)

  • Gross national income (GNI)?
    net income from abroad + the GDP
  • what is net income (GNI)?
    any income earned by a country on investments and other assets owned abroad, minus income earned from foreigners on investments domestically
  • GNI example
    Many citizens employ their resources outside of a country's borders - and then send the income home
  • what is GNP?
    Gross National Product
  • GNP meaning?
    total output of citizens of a country whether they're a resident or not
  • what are GNI and GDP used for?
    compare living standards between diff countries- calculated in similar way to GDP per capita
    Divide total GNI or GNP by countries population
    • GNP/capita provides a much more realistic view of a country's wealth than GDP/capita