Sex between two unmarried people . It is common in British society but goes against Christian and Hindu beliefs
What is sex outside marriage?
Sex between two people where one or both of them is married to someone eles. This is also called adultery
Most religious and non religious people agree that sex outside marriage is wrong
Many Christians believe that sex is a deep lifelong union that requires marriage . It should not be casual temporary pleasure
What do Anglican and Catholic Churches teach about sex before marriage?
They teach that sex before marriage is wrong
What do some Liberal Christians think about sex before marriage?
It can be a valid expression of love , particularly if the couple want to get married or have a lifelong commitment
Christians believe it is wrong to : use people for sex , spread sexually transmitted infections or risk pregnancy outside marriage
1 Corinthians 6:18 : " Flee from sexual immorality
What do Hindus think about sex before marriage?
They disapprove of sex before marriage but accept that it is common in modern society
Hindu teaching stresses celibacy in three of the four stages of life. Which stage is sexual relations allowed in?
The householder stage
Traditionally, why might Hindu girls be married at a young age?
Because is she had sex before marriage, she would be seen as bringing shame on her family and might be unable to find a husband
Not all Hindus agree with the practice of early marriage or the view that sex before marriage brings shame on a girls family. What might happen if girls rebel against early marriage?
It may lead to conflict between them and their parents
Why are Christians against adultery?
It breaks the marriage vows they make before God and threatens the stable relationship needed for the security of their children
What happened in John 8: 1-11?
Jesus forgave a woman caught committing adultery but told her to leave her life of sin
Adultery is forbidden in the Ten Commandments. What does Exodus 20:14 say?
"You shall not commit adultery "
Indian Law condemns adultery and Hinduism disapproves of it. Why?
Hinduism places high value upon marriage, which is supposed to be a lifelong commitment
What story teaches about loyalty and faithfulness in marriage in Hinduism?
The story of Rama and Sita
Most Hindu communities are aware that times are changing and that it is difficult to follow religious rules strictly