A legal union between a man and a woman as partners in a relationship (Or in some countries like the UK, two people of the same sex)
What is same sex marriage?
A legal union between two people of the same sex as partners in a relationship
What is Cohabitation?
A couple living together and having a sexual relationship without being married
Cohabitation is common in Britain today , but not all Hindus and Christians agree with it
What are Non-religious views on marriage?
It is a legal union between two people in a relationship - It is a serious lifelong commitment in public to another person - It provides legal and financial benefits
What are Hindu views on marriage?
Hindu marriages are traditionally arranged by parents - traditionally marriage partners come from within the same social group (marriage to non-Hindus is discouraged) - marriage is a part of life at the householder stage
Some Hindu parents consult a guru or horoscope about the suitability of the person of the person or time chosen for their child's marriage
What are Hindu views on same sex marriage?
Liberal Hindu communities would not have a problem with Hindu ceremonies celebrating same sex marriage - Traditional and conservative Hindus night not agree
What are Christian views on marriage?
It is a gift from God and part of the natural law - It is a covenant (agreement) before God in which the couple promises to live faithfully together till death - It is a unique relationship between a man and woman that can create new life
Christians believe marriage is a spiritual bond that reflects the love of Christ for the Church
Christians believe that marriage is the place to enjoy sex , raise children in a religious faith and provide a secure stable environment for family
Why do many couples in Britain cohabit before they get married or without ever getting married?
They may want to se if the relationship will work before getting married , or may not believe it is necessary to get married
Why do Catholic and Orthodox Churches oppose cohabitation?
They believe sex should only take place within marriage
Anglican and Protestant Christians accept that although marriage is best , people may cohabit in a faithful , loving , committed way without being married
In Hinduism , cohabitation is generally disapproved of but it is becoming more accepted in modern society
Hindu weddings are expensive , so some couples may cohabit first to save money for it
" Be fruitful and increase in number " Genesis 1 : 28 - Christian view on purpose of marriage