Kinetic particle theory: all matter is made up of tiny particles which move randomly all the time
arrangement of solid: very closely packed, in an orderly manner
arrangement of liquid:closely packed, in a disorderly manner
arrangement of gas: very far apart, arranged in a disorderly manner
forces of attraction in solid:very strong
forces of attraction in liquid:strong
forces of attraction in gas: very weak
motion of solid:vibrate/rotate about fixed positions
motion of liquids:slide over one another freely
motion of gas: move quickly and randomly in any direction
Kinetic energy of solid: very low
Kinetic energy of liquid: low
Kinetic energy of gas: high
differences between boiling and evaporation:
boiling occurs at boiling point only, evaporation occurs at anytemperaturebelowboilingpoint
boiling occurs throughoutthesubstances,evaporation occurs at the surface of a substance
during boiling, the temperature of the substance remains constant until all of the substance has changed into gaseous state. during evaporation, the temperature of the substance decreases
solid -> liquid: melting
liquid -> solid: freezing
liquid -> gas: evaporation/boiling
gas -> liquid: condensation
solid -> gas: sublimation
gas -> solid: vapourdeposition
diffusion: net movement of particles from a region of higher concentration to a region of lower concentration
temperature: morekineticenergy at highertemperatures,particlesmovemorequickly
particlemass: particles with greatermassrequiremorekineticenergy