Marxism is a conflict theory - they believe there are two conflicting social groups in society, the bourgeoisie (the upper class) and the proletariats (the lower class)
Marxism is a structural theory - they believe society is built up and maintained through certain institutions such as education or the healthcare system
Four marxist theories are: Engles and inheritance of property, Zaretsky and ideological functions, Althusser and ideological state apparatus, Marx and unit of consumption
Engles inheritance of property:
early society people lived in ‘promiscuoushordes’ no one knew whos children were who
everything was shared ‘primitivecommunism‘
as machinery developed people wanted to horde there wealth, privateproperty was invented
the nuclear family was created so men in power knew who there children were to pass on there wealth to
this brought women under the control of men turning them into ‘instruments for the creation ofchildren’
argue the only way women can be liberated is to overthrowcapitalism and private ownership of the means of progress
Engles: What did men turn women into
Instruments for the creation of children
Engles AO3 criticism: functionalist parsons would credit the creation of the nuclear family as a good thing as it means the family no longer has to perform these functions for themselves
the family acts as a privatelife for members
shelters them from the exploitative world of capitalism
male workers can come home and feel like they have power and control over the family
this helps them accept their oppression in wider society
Zaretsky: what does the private life do for male workers
Helps them accept their oppression
family is an ‘ideological stateapparatus‘
it brainwashes its members into the capitalist system through generational socialisation
the family is a unit of consumption
capitalismexploits workers labour by selling the products to them for more than it pays to make them
therefore family generates profit for capitalists by purchasinggoods
encourages families to ‘keep up withthejones‘ by consuming the latest products
‘pester power’ by marketing tochildren to get them to pester parents into buying things
peer pressure - children mocked and stigmatised for not having the latest clothes or gadgets
Marx’s: what are the three capitalist marketing strategies
Keeping up with the jones, pester power, peer pressure
Zaretsky AO3: functionalist would argue this ignore the positive aspects of family, love and mutual support
Althusser Ao3: some working class families resist inequalities by teaching their children working class culture, empowering them with the knowledge of exploitation
Marxs Ao3: feminists argue this focuses too heavily on how it benefits capitalism and not on how it negatively effects women.