Aesthetic functions of art are for visual enjoyment and for decorative purposes.
Utilitarian functions of art are for man to live comfortably.
Cultural functions of art are to preserve knowledge and broaden man’s cultural background.
Social functions of art are to foster cooperation within and among nations.
Fine arts, also called aesthetic arts, are made for aesthetic enjoyment through the senses (visual and auditory).
Forms of fine arts include music, painting, sculpture, architecture, literature, dancing, and drama.
Practical arts are intended for practical use or utility.
Forms of practical arts include industrial art, applied or household art, civic art, commercial art, graphic art, agricultural art, distributive art, and fishery art.
Harmonious combination of sounds
Visual art expressed by the elements of art
Also called plastic art
Sometimes called "frozen music" because of rhythimic features
Poems, novels, etc.
Coordinated movement based on sound
Acting, directing, stage setting
Industrial art
Changing of raw materials into some significantproduct
Applied or Household art
Cooking, flower arrangement, dressmaking, etc.
Civic art
City or town planning, parks, roads, farms beautification
Commercial art
Business propaganda
Graphic art
e.g. silk-screenprinting
Agricultural art
Agronomy, horticulture, husbandry, and farming
Distributive art
Deals with marketing , packaging, shipping of goods