The mission of the infantry is to close with the enemy by means of fire and maneuver, to destroy or capture him, or repel his assault by fire, close combat, and counterattack.
The mission of the infantry platoon is to confront the enemy in order to defeat, capture, repel his assault, and weaken his fighting capability.
The mission of the infantrysquad is to close with the enemy by means of fire and maneuver to destroy or capture him or repelhisassault by fire, close combat, and counter-attack.
The rifleplatoon is organized with a PlatoonHeadquarters and ThreeRifle Squads.
The infantry platoon and squad are entirely dependent on the battalion and the company headquarters for unit-level administration, supply, unit-level maintenance of communication equipment, transportation, medical support, and mortar fire support.
Types of movement formations include Wedge, File, Squad Column, Squad Line, Squad File, Column, Line (withSquads-on-Line).
A danger area is any place on a route where the leader's estimate process tells him that his platoon might be exposedtoenemy observation, fire, or both.
Types of danger areas include Open Areas, Roads and Trails, Villages, Streams.
In openareas, the platoon should conceal itself on the near side and observethearea.
When crossing roads or trails at or near a bend, narrow spot, or on low ground, the platoon should cross at an angle.
When passingvillages, the platoon should pass on the downwind side and well away from them.
When traveling in streams, the platoon should select a narrowspot that offers concealment on both banks.