Positive feedback - Is used to inform the athlete what was correct about the movement. Performers need to know if a movement is correct as this provides the reference point for future attempts at the movement. Positive feedback is essential in motivating athletes.
Negatives feedback- Is used to inform the athlete what was incorrect about the movement. Negative must include information on how to complete the movement correctly.
Knowledge of results - It focuses on how successful you have been in achieving what you set out to do (the outcome). It is generally factual and given to you by a coach or teacher, although you may be able to see it yourself; for example, the distance you jumped in long jump or what score you got in golf.
Knowledge of performance - Provides more detail about how well you did, irrespective of the result. It may relate to technique used, or specific aspects of the movement you produced. It deals with the quality of the performance, not the result.
Extrinsic feedback - Is information received about performance which comes from outside of the performer such as a coach.
Intrinsic feedback - Is information which is received from within the performer.
Arousal - Is a physical and mental state of alertness varying from deep sleep to intense excitement.
Inverted U theory
Ways to control arousal:
Deep breathing
Imagery/ visualisation
Positive self-talk
Direct aggression - Is when there is an actual physical contact between performers. The aggressor uses physical contact to directly and deliberately inflict harm upon their opponent.
Indirect aggression - Indirect aggression does not involve physical contact. The aggressive act is taken out on an object to gain an advantage over an opponent.
Motivation- The drive to succeed or the desire to achieve something. The two main types of motivation are intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation.
Integration - Is when disabled performers compete with non-disabled performers.
Adapted sports - Changing sports so that physically disabled people can perform with non-disabled individuals.