Cards (4)

  • + Practical application in the development of drugs = An increased understanding of the biological processes which underpin mental health diseases has led to the development of psychoactive drugs e.g. for depression and schizophrenia. These may target specific candidate genes to directly treat the disorder, or may alter neurotransmitter levels to help alleviate symptoms e.g. dopamine antagonists, such as Chlorpromazine, reduce dopamine action and so normalise neurotransmission in the hypothalamus and ventral striatum in the brains of schizophrenia sufferers
  • The main advantage of such drug treatments, compared to cognitive therapies such as CBT, is that they require minimal effort on the part of the patient. They are non-invasive and not time-consuming, unlike cognitive therapies which require willpower and regular sessions.
  • The biological approach suggests that all behaviour is caused by internal biological forces over which we have no control. However, this has serious implications for the judicial system and the economy. The current judicial system expects individuals to take moral responsibility for their actions, and so such actions cannot be entirely blamed on genetic factors. However, if, for example, a criminal gene or a schizophrenia gene was discovered, this could lead to ‘diminished responsibility’ of these individuals, as well as shorter prison sentences.
  • Biological Determinism = The economical impact would be that if such information about genes coding for mental health disorders or criminality were made public, then such individuals may be denied health insurance and jobs on this basis. Therefore, such biological determinism has potentially severe real-life consequences.