Cards (6)

  • A schema is a mental framwork that organises information into meaningful categories.
  • Natural selection is the process by which inherited characteristics that enhance an individual's reproductive are passed on to the next generation
  • Assumptions:
    • There is a direct correlation between brain activity and cognition
    • Biochemical imbalances can affect behaviour
    • Brain physiology can affect behaviour
    • Behaviour can be inherited (as it is determined by genetic information)
  • The nature-nurture debate highlights a key argument in psychology, over the relative influence of biology and environment on the characteristics of an individual; an extreme biological approach assumes that these are determined solely by nature
  • The genotype describes the genetic configuration of an individual, whereas phenotype describes the combined effects of genetic makeup and surrounding environment on behaviour.
  • The endocrine system is a slower-acting communication system that regulates the circulation of hormones, released by glands into the bloodstream. For example, cortisol and adrenaline are key hormones that facilitate the fight or flight response, a key evolutionary survival mechanism whereby the body primes itself for imminent danger (e.g. increasing heart rate, initiating sweating to cool down, dilation of pupils, sharpened sense of hearing).