Cards (4)

  • Loss of information may only be temporary, therefore interference is not a true explanation for forgetting as it is more permanent. Retrieval failure is a better explanation for this as if the cues aren’t present then the memory may be harder to recall.
  • Issues of validity- evidence that interference can explain forgetting frequently comes from artificial laboratory experiments using artificial tasks, so interference may not occur to the same extent in more real life scenarios, challenging interference as an explanation of forgetting
  • Interference only explains forgetting if two sets of information are similar so cannot explain many day-to-day cases of forgetting
  • Real world application apply to advertising.
    • Danaher found that both recall and recognition of an advertiser's message were impaired when participants were exposed to 2 adverts from competing brands in the same week.
    • The interference effect was minimised by running multiple expressions to an advert in 1 day.
    • This suggests, research on interference has an enhanced effect of advertising campaigns.