The Fall and Original Sin

Cards (23)

  • Original sin = the idea that humans are born into sin and are sinners by nature
  • Characteristics of the relationship between man and God BEFORE the fall:
    • They were freely able to walk with God and talk to him
    • Adam and Eve lived a life of love, friendship, and they were equal with each other and God
    • A painless world
    • God loved man, and he saw that man was good
    • Man wasn’t ashamed
  • Characteristics of the relationship between man and God AFTER the Fall:
    • There has now been a separation from God
    • Hate and anger came into the world and men and women lost their equality with each other
    • A painful world
    • God hated the actions of man and saw that the actions were bad
    • Man became ashamed of what they have done and tried to hide from God
    • “Foolishness is bound up in the heart of a child” - Proverbs 22:15
    • This suggests that a child is sinful as foolishness is referring to the sinful nature of a child
    • “And you were dead in your trespasses of sin” - Ephesians 2
    • This is referring to the fact that until we find Christ, we are dead inside.
    • This is because of the existence of original sin inside of us
    • Unless we are converted, we are sinners, and this is engrossed in our every being, and is the very essence of who we are.
  • Augustine argued that sin is a powerful force which no one can escape. It’s so ingrained in human nature because of the seriousness of the sins of Adam and Eve.
  • According to Augustine, sin is passed down through sexual desire and we live in sin as all of mankind was in Adam as he sinned.
  • When we sin, we do it out of our own free will. After the fall, we have no choice but to sin but not everything we do is sinful.
  • Key Critics of Original Sin:
    • Pelagius
    • Richard Dawkins
    • Sigmund Freud
  • Pelagius was a monk who didn’t believe in original sin (as it can’t be found in the Bible)
  • Pelagius argued that humans have sufficient free will to overcome personal sin - free will makes people able to make free choices
  • Pelagius argued Adam’s sin only harmed him and not the whole of humanity
  • Pelagius argued that people are born in a "pre-fall state" = This means that they are able to sin if they choose and able to avoid it if they choose to
  • Richard Dawkins is an atheist so doesn't believe in the doctrine at all.
  • Dawkins argues that original sin is contradictory to evolutionary biology and is an absurd and dangerous idea
  • Dawkins also says that Christianity has an unhealthy obsession with sin, guilt, violence, and repressed sexuality
  • Dawkins likens the idea of babies going to hell to be like child abuse
  • Sigmund Freud argues that God is a psychological construction based on an infantile need for a father figure
  • Freud says that a creation of God is a sign of repressed sexual guilt
  • Freud agreed that the sexual drive and drive towards pleasure was an essential quality of human behaviour and shaped us deeply
  • Freud disagreed that guilt and atonement was needed for these urges, saying that unfulfilled desires could lead to mental illness later in life.
  • Strengths of Original Sin and the Fall:
    • it can be found in the Bible
    • It explains the seriousness of sin and why Augustine reacts in the way that he does
  • Weaknesses of Original Sin and the Fall:
    • Infants surely are innocent
    • Surely some people have beaten the odds and never actually sinned
    • Surely this is unfair and not actually our fault
    • What’s the point of actually living a good life if we’re all bad?