Cards (20)

  • Augustine argues that only God can save us - God takes our old life that has been corrupted with sin and gives us a new life, completely rid of the sinful nature that had existed.
  • God’s Grace = the sacrifice of Jesus to restore the relationship between man and God
    • Grace is given, it’s a gift, you can’t be chosen.
  • Augustine argues that grace is the love of God shown to the unlovely. The peace of God is given to the restless. The favour of God is given to those who don’t deserve favour. Whilst everyone gives grace, grace is not about the individual but about God giving himself to us.
  • Predestination = doctrine referring to the fact that the grace of God is only available to the few chosen people before the world began
  • Key Scholars:
    • Martin Luther
    • Dietrich Bonhoeffer
  • Martin Luther argues that you don’t need to receive grace based on your actions or your merits
  • Luther says you receive grace based on whether you trust in Jesus and believe that he died on the cross to rid our sins (Augustine would agree)
    • Luther was against the idea of being saved by law and good works as this defeats the whole purpose of grace being a gift.
  • Bonhoeffer agrees with Luther that you are saved based on faith alone
    • Costly grace = making grace costly to ourselves (Bonhoeffer)
  • Costly grace says that in order to achieve grace there has to be a cost (Jesus dying) - there is also a cost for us coming to know God and living that out in our lives
  • Augustine would be in agreement with Bonhoeffer and costly grace but wouldn't hold the belief as strongly.
  • Summum Bonum = the highest good - the ultimate goal as to which priorities and values are established
  • Summum Bonum is a goal to which all human action is directed
  • Summum Bonum is generally thought of being an end in itself, the end which all human beings ought to pursue
  • The Summum Bonum should shape the lives of human beings, and affect the way they behave in this life.
    • “When he arrived and saw the grace of God, he rejoiced and encouraged them to abide in the Lord with all their hearts” - Acts 23
    • This verse is referring to Paul, who when he arrived in the city of Ephesians saw that God was with the people there
    • He describes seeing the grace of God, which means seeing people who had the favour of God with them
    • “For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God” Ephesians 2:8-9
    • Says that you have been saved through faith
    • The reference to it being down to the gift of God is a reference to grace 
    • “You then, my child, be strengthened by the grace that is in Christ Jesus” - 1 Timothy 2
    • It’s actually grace that strengthens the people of God